RKO outta 15,300 years ago

Some of the very first signs of wrestling were traced to the Sumerians. They settled nearly 5,000 years ago. Also the Egyptians were thought to have wrestled as well, supported by several wrestling scenes discovered at Beni Hasan in the tombs.
Not much is known about wrestling in the era BCE, but it was known that there were two different styles or rules. First, in non-chronological order, is GrecoRoman wrestling. This specific style of wrestling focused on only upper body attacks. More closely related to a body to body version of boxing without the gloves of course. Second, is the more urban freestyle wrestling. This method is a anything goes wrestling. Not only using their upper bodies but also using their legs and all parts of the body. Until this day this form is still in use. There are certainly more rules now than during the older times.
Even to this day many men wrestle for the same reasons, strength. Although wrestling has shaped to a point game instead of who can cause the most harm or who is the strongest of the two, they still share a common interest. Wrestling is still very popular and everyday there are new people who want to get more into the sport. Also many people wrestle to find their identities. Elisheva Irma Diaz states in his book Wrestling For My Jewish Identity, "If we do not wrestle for our G-d given identity, we will probably end up being what someone else wants us to be." (52). In this book he states that he found his identity and who he was by wrestling and in many cases its this inspiration that can help you find yourself.
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